A few weeks ago it began snowing. At first came a light drizzle, and then some more. The gardens turned into a beautiful winter wonderland, and we were overjoyed. "Isn't it lovely to get a proper white Christmas?!" we said to each other. Lulu was especially keen, and decided she wants to be a Yeti, an Abominable Snowman, when she grows up. "A Yeti is not gender specific," she says, "the main thing is to be really scary and covered with snow!".

After a week of light snow, we get a snowstorm. And then another one, and a third. The wind howls like crazy, and when venturing out to the shops by car the road is barely visible as the snow whirls around in a frenzy. Large branches and whole trees give up under the weight of the snow and come crashing down. Keeping the roads open with the snowplough becomes almost a full time job for my neighbour F, and one Saturday he calls me and asks if we are going anywhere or if he could come in the morning instead. "We are fine," I say "we went to the shop in the morning just as the storm was picking up again. No need to go anywhere before Monday." Still, with two grown up boys in the house, by the afternoon I start looking in the freezer...

After a week of light snow, we get a snowstorm. And then another one, and a third. The wind howls like crazy, and when venturing out to the shops by car the road is barely visible as the snow whirls around in a frenzy. Large branches and whole trees give up under the weight of the snow and come crashing down. Keeping the roads open with the snowplough becomes almost a full time job for my neighbour F, and one Saturday he calls me and asks if we are going anywhere or if he could come in the morning instead. "We are fine,." I say, "we went to the shop in the morning just as the storm was pickin again. No need to go anywhere before Monday." Still, with two grown up boys in the house, by the afternoon I start looking in the freezer...

Happy Advent to you all!