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Peas please!
I just love growing peas! It may be because my first gardening success was growing peas, and I still remember the pride and joy I felt...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 17, 20192 min read

Vegan zucchini fritters
This time of the year I always have too many zucchinis in the garden. It seems that no matter how late everything else is, the zucchini...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 2, 20192 min read

The veg are coming...
This year I have a feeling that everything in the kitchen garden has been late. This may or may not be an objective truth, as I do recall...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 12, 20193 min read

Pea Blauwschokker
Most years I try to grow something new in my vegetable garden, and this year it was the pea Blauwschokker. When I say new, I mean new to...
Sofias Country Gardens
Mar 15, 20192 min read

Best pickled beetroots
This autumn my godfathers spent a month in the country with me, and as we love to spend time cooking one of our projects was to pickle...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 1, 20182 min read

Beautiful broccoli
Broccoli is one of my favourite vegetables and one that we eat many times a week with the family. I must have a hundred recipes with...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 20, 20182 min read

Brilliant beetroots
One of my favourite things is eating beetroots fresh from the garden. They are wonderful vegetables in that they do keep for weeks at end...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 6, 20182 min read

September harvest
We have had an unusually sunny and warm September this year, and the kitchen garden has continued to deliver enormous amounts of...
Sofias Country Gardens
Sep 22, 20182 min read

My favourite carrots
Each year I have some staple vegetables that I grow, and a mix of different coloured carrots is one of them. For many years I bought a...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 25, 20182 min read

Food fast and slow
The best part of growing my own food is the simplicity and variety it offers with different vegetables for dinner each night. If we are...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 28, 20183 min read
Kitchen garden three weeks later
The first rain this summer came on midsummer eve, and I for one was dancing with joy. Before the rain my garden was looking dusty and...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 7, 20182 min read
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