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April vibes
After a very, very long winter spring finally begins to emerge. All throughout April the weather has played tricks on us, and each time...
Sofias Country Gardens
May 4, 20242 min read

In sunshine and in shadow
Living in the country I often think about the nature of light. In a town there is so much artificial light that it becomes a question of...
Sofias Country Gardens
Nov 21, 20232 min read

Nicely neon
We've had the longest dry spell this summer, with six weeks of no rain. I've been looking at the gardens drying out week after week, and...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jun 28, 20232 min read

Early spring gardens
This years winter was long and rich in snow, but suddenly, in just a few weeks, it all melts and spring arrives for real. Lulu the snow...
Sofias Country Gardens
Apr 14, 20232 min read

From autumn to winter
In the end of November we woke up to a light blanket of snow covering the gardens. Lulu the gardening dog was super excited, but quite...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 10, 20221 min read

Post covid end of a season
Once again the gardening season comes to an end in a glorious firework display of autumn colours. The days are getting shorter by the...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 9, 20222 min read

Late summer perennials
Suddenly a late summer heatwave is upon us, and I find myself sweltering in it like my plants. Most of the flowers have gone to seed, and...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 21, 20222 min read

My herb garden at Humlegård
I love growing herbs in my gardens - I mean who doesn't? - but as the winters are so severe here in Finland a lot of herbs that...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 7, 20223 min read

Hello summer!
And just like that... the garden is in full bloom. June is always such a hectic month that it seems to be whizzing past in a rush. With...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jun 30, 20222 min read

Early June in bloom
Summer is finally here! Once again it came with a rush, turning from bare to lush within two weeks. I never manage to capture the...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jun 11, 20221 min read

Cold spring weather
Gardeners always complain about the weather. If its not too wet, then its too cold or too dry, too hot or too windy. You'd think we are a...
Sofias Country Gardens
May 21, 20222 min read

Shady winter garden
Today I almost saw the sun... I say almost, because at this time of year the sun never reaches my garden. It is stuck so low on the...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 20, 20211 min read

First snow in the gardens
It is not unusual for the first snow to fall by the beginning of December, but it is unusual that it stays. Most years we have dark and...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 3, 20213 min read

Dark days gardening
And so it begins - this long winter season with little light. Days go by without seeing sunshine as the skies are mostly overcast. Even...
Sofias Country Gardens
Nov 10, 20212 min read
Stepping stones and a statue
A few weeks ago my godfathers sent me two boxes filled with spring bulbs, much to my delight as they included Allium giganteum Gladiator...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 23, 20212 min read

Not so mellow yellow
And so autumn is upon us. Cool nights combined with dry and sunny days makes for exceptional autumn colours and this year we have had an...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 16, 20213 min read

Little Gem squash
Some years ago a friend of mine gave me Little Gem squash seeds to try out, and much to my delight they were beautiful so two years in a...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 3, 20213 min read
Gardening fast and slow
And poof - a month has gone by without me really noticing it. Does that ever happen to you, that time makes a quantum leap and just...
Sofias Country Gardens
Sep 19, 20214 min read

Wildflower gardens
My farm is located deep in the countryside, surrounded by woods, fields and water, so it is quite obvious that I should use the...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 17, 20213 min read
Summer solstice
Midsummer... what a lovely time of year! It is the time of peonies, geraniums and foxgloves and to my utter delight they still fill up...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jun 26, 20212 min read
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