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Vegetable garden summer 2022
Meanwhile back at the ranch (as the saying goes) the kitchen garden is coming up trumps this year. This year I have been fascinated with...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 24, 20223 min read

Experimenting in the kitchen garden
People often ask me at what time in the spring I start planting my kitchen garden. It's a very good question, as the weather and...
Sofias Country Gardens
May 29, 20223 min read

October harvest
Generally in Finland, October is the month that has the highest average rainfall and this year I have really noticed it. Perhaps it is...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 9, 20213 min read

Little Gem squash
Some years ago a friend of mine gave me Little Gem squash seeds to try out, and much to my delight they were beautiful so two years in a...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 3, 20213 min read

Happy harvests
Mid August and the kitchen garden is at its best. It is such a fleeting moment of time, this zenith of the vegetable gardening year when...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 19, 20213 min read

Foodie family
They say "Give a woman a zucchini plant and you will never eat anything else!" and it probably holds true to a fair degree. At least each...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 26, 20212 min read

Beginning of the vegetable season
At this time of year I'm always grumbling about how late the vegetables are when in fact they are perfectly on time. I feel like I'm...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 3, 20213 min read

Kitchen garden in autumn
After three weeks of rain we finally got some sunshine and dry weather - for about a week! Some autumns are like this, that the rain...
Sofias Country Gardens
Sep 21, 20203 min read
September rain
This week it has been raining more or less constantly, and even when there has been a break in the downpour the skies have been dark and...
Sofias Country Gardens
Sep 6, 20203 min read

Late summer harvest
We've had the most beautiful sunshine for the last weeks, and yet there is a crispness to the air that reminds me the summer soon draws...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 24, 20202 min read

Garden gone wild
By now my kitchen garden has gone quite mad and wild. I love to grow Marigolds in my garden for the bees and other beneficial insects,...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 18, 20203 min read

Foodie paradise
It has been a long wait, that's for sure! A little nibble here and there as the vegetables have slowly grown to size, but nothing like...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 1, 20203 min read

On epic failure and small success
Blessed are the gardeners who always succeed, but I'm just not one of them. Sometimes things just don't work out as planned. Sometimes,...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jul 18, 20203 min read

A year in the kitchen garden
As it has been a grey and slightly cold week, I haven't gotten any nice pictures from the garden so instead I thought I would make a...
Sofias Country Gardens
Apr 26, 20202 min read

How to start a vegetable garden
Starting a vegetable garden may seem like a difficult project, while in fact it is quite simple and a lot of fun. As I'm often asked by...
Sofias Country Gardens
Feb 28, 20205 min read

Crop rotation
One of the key practices in organic gardening is the use of crop rotation, where no crops are grown in the same place in consecutive...
Sofias Country Gardens
Feb 14, 20205 min read

Hopi blue sweetcorn
If there is one thing I really love, it is to try out growing new and colourful vegetable varieties. This always happens with sweetcorn...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jan 10, 20202 min read

Potato Violet Queen
I'll say it straight up front: I'm not a great fan of potatoes. Mostly they are a boring and bland staple food served at cheap...
Sofias Country Gardens
Nov 11, 20193 min read

Cauliflower Neckarperle
I think the first time I felt worthy of calling myself a gardener was a few years ago when I managed to grow my very first own crop of...
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 25, 20195 min read

A last hurrah
I knew I shouldn't have gone away in August. I knew it, but couldn't resist the temptation to do two consecutive garden journeys into...
Sofias Country Gardens
Sep 20, 20194 min read
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