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Grey days
March is usually a beautiful month with the last layers of snow covering the land all the way to easter, and long bright days ending in a...
Sofias Country Gardens
Mar 21, 20202 min read

March spring cleaning
Most years in the middle of March there is a heavy layer of snow still covering the ground, but this year we have hardly had any snow at...
Sofias Country Gardens
Mar 14, 20202 min read

Why I support organic farmers
With all the bad news about pollution and animal extinction streaming over us daily, it is easy to become desolate at the state of our...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jan 24, 20204 min read

Happy New Year 2020
As the new decade has begun I would like to wish you all a wonderful New Year 2020 as well as a very happy New Decennium 💙 I remember as...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jan 1, 20202 min read

Winter is coming
I love it when suddenly the dark skies open and snow starts to fall for the first time of the season. It is the highlight of the autumn!...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 8, 20191 min read

Autumn hues
September is such a lovely month, with lots of colour and a joyful sense of completion. There is still a lot to do in the garden, like...
Sofias Country Gardens
Nov 22, 20192 min read

Chicken update
My little baby chicks have into teenagers and now live outside in their own little coop. I think one is a hen and the other a rooster,...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jun 24, 20191 min read

Babies in da house!
This week I have been super busy. I haven't gotten much done, but I've been super busy none the less. Mostly doing nothing but staring.....
Sofias Country Gardens
May 11, 20193 min read

Behind the scenes
Do you ever get that feeling when visiting other peoples gardens that everything is just magically perfect and then you come home and...
Sofias Country Gardens
May 3, 20192 min read

Spring is here!
Suddenly after months and months of waiting, spring leaps upon us with absurd intensity. In a cold climate like Finland, we go from zero...
Sofias Country Gardens
Apr 25, 20193 min read

Hippy happy chicks
One of the great joys in summer is having my summer chicken at home. As I spend much of my winters in town or travelling, my summer...
Sofias Country Gardens
Mar 1, 20194 min read

Midwinter paradise
As we are going into the new year I would like to thank you all for following my blog and for the kind comments and support you give me....
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 29, 20181 min read

Country life in summer
Stating the obvious, country life in summer is vastly different from winter and this week as I have been pottering about in the garden I...
Sofias Country Gardens
Aug 4, 20183 min read

Four things to do in February
In February winter is at its zenith, with the ground frozen solid and the garden fast asleep with a deep layer of snow like a blanket...
Sofias Country Gardens
Mar 3, 20183 min read

Renovating Stensund...
The thing about old houses is that although they are charming like nothing else, they do require a lot of upkeep. Throughout the years it...
Sofias Country Gardens
Feb 17, 20182 min read

A woodland path
Between Stensund and Humlegård there is a dense forrest. It is the kind of forrest where one expects goblins, gnomes and wolves to turn...
Sofias Country Gardens
Feb 10, 20183 min read

Five promises for the new year
I love the new year! It is my favourite time of year, filled with the promise of new beginnings and a fresh start. Living in Finland I...
Sofias Country Gardens
Jan 11, 20185 min read

The Gatekeepers Cottage gets a new life
Most of the time, I tend to have an ongoing crazy project. My children just sigh when they see my eyes lit up, as they know that more...
Sofias Country Gardens
Dec 9, 20173 min read

October 2017
October is the month when my garden prepares to go to bed for the winter. A bit like me really... The darker and shorter the days become,...
Sofias Country Gardens
Nov 8, 20172 min read

September 2017
In September the meadow we planted in spring (June blogpost) in front of the old farmhouse at Stensund came alive and reached its zenit....
Sofias Country Gardens
Oct 10, 20172 min read
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